Meet the Townspeople
Kato Tamotsu
Once a sumo wrestler of some renown on his native Hokkaido, Kato was banned from the sport for life when it was learned he was abusing steroids. Currently, Kato teaches aikido and kendo at his small dojo in Happydale. |
Geoffrey Wormwood
Happydale’s leading businessman, Geoffrey owns the Happydale Trading Post, the Pit Stop gas station and Uncle Geoff’s Family Restaurant. Geoffrey has made offers to buy both Silver’s General Store and the 4 Jokers, but has yet to close the deal. |
Jamir “Whitey” O’Rourke
Happydale’s only Nation of Islam member, Jamir runs seminars and gives lectures all over the state about his faith. Jamir plans to make the pilgrimage to Mecca within the next two years. |
Charlotte P. Robinstone
A nurse during World War II and mother of eight, Charlotte is a hard-driven dynamo of a woman even in her advanced years. She claims her figure and health are due to her special diet, asparagus and Diet Coke, and exercise program. Charlotte has completed a dozen marathons in the last five years. |