Meet the “Minds” behind Happydale
The Artist |
Birth Date: 7-22-72
E-Mail: Fruitbat@happydale.net
Strong Points: Eats Fruit, likes Opera and
Progressive Dance Music, Powerful Nose
Weak Points: Work-aholic, No hair on head,
Can't understand directions
Hobbies: Free diving, Badminton, Computers,
Influences: Moebius, Rick Geary, Katsuhiro
Seth got his start drawing soon after birth when his
artistic mother offered up the refrigerator door as a permanent gallery
for his work. Soon after he headed off to college to find his new career
in Mathematics. Unable to solve Fermat's Last Theorem before graduation,
Seth decided to explore a new route overseas and spent 4 years in Japan
working and perfecting his drawing technique. During his final year in
Japan, Seth met Andrew over the internet and Happydale was born. The book
was drawn over 6 months in Japan and is Seth's first Major comic work.
Seth's other credits include, Cricket Magazine, Frank Frazetta Fantasy
Illustrated, DC's Big Book series, and Heavy Metal Magazine.
Seth is currently living in Italy working on his next
big top secret project.
Birth Date: 05-27-78
E-Mail: andrew@happydale.net
Strong Points: Good memory, Well read, Thrifty.
Weak Points: Voyeuristic tendencies, Moody,
Pessimistic, Fat.
Hobbies: Reading, History, Film, Anthropology,
Influences: Ernest Hemingway, Elmore Leonard,
Matt Wagner, Eiji Yoshikawa, Alan Moore, Orson Scott Card, Zhang Yimou.
Andrew began writing because there is nothing else to
do in Utah. Later, he realized that it was much easier to have adventures,
confess to wrongdoing and insult people in stories than it was in real
life, and there was less risk. In junior high school he wowed classmates
with stories about Mormon separatists and turn-of-the-century Ku Klux Klan
murders. In high school he found out you can make money writing and proceeded
to do so. In college he came to despise all Creative Writing majors. When
he was 18 he began writing comic books, some of which saw print. That spring
he met Seth Fisher and Happydale was born. Andrew continues to write piles
of stories, the vast majority of which will never see the light of day.
Currently, he is finishing degrees in both History and Anthropology at
the University of Utah and preparing for graduate school. He considers
himself a functioning sociopath. |
