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The Man
With Life as his constant guide, Seth roams with minimal inertia from one adventure to the next. Seth lives in Nagoya, Japan with his adorable wife and constant companion Hisako who encourages him in mad quests for excellence and occasionally corrects his Japanese. His interests range from spinning in circles looking for the inner Buddha, to pondering humans' behavior then laughing hysterically, to harvesting perfectly usable electronics found abandoned in Tokyo alleys and attaching them to his
computer. Seth's most recent undertaking is a virtual reality Floweringnose Adventure Game developed with the help of programming genius Omar Wally. Other ongoing projects include finding a Grand Unification Theory to combine religions, sciences, and arts into one subject of study, learning to speak cat, becoming elected President in 2012, and learning to sew. In addition Seth enjoys mentoring emerging artists and giving free English lessons to budding Japanese world travelers. Seth's newest and most ambitious long term project is guiding his first (yet unborn) child into adulthood. The young man is scheduled to exit the Hotel Uterus and begin his career as a human being on May 5, 2004.